Online charity art auctions- The learning curve part II

Look for a new "Art for Food" auction posting later today. Meanwhile, here's  a follow-up to my previous post  on the charity art auctions I'm holding for the CVFB. Filed under the "hadn't thought of that one" category: 1. Sales tax: Only after a couple of auctions were listed did it dawn on me that I probably had to collect VA sales tax. Doh! A call to the VA Dept. of Taxation confirmed this.  I am selling the item and then once I collect the profits, I'm turning around and donating the money to charity. Even though it's a donation, it's still a retail sale and subject to the tax for in-state sales. I can't really do anything about past auctions but pay the tax myself. But for the future a statement to collect sales tax in Virginia will be included in the listings. 

2. Framing: Due to the time involved in listing and promoting the auctions, making the donations, as well as packaging and shipping (not to mention creating the artwork), I cannot provide an in-house framing service for the charity auctions. Watercolors should be framed under glass, and shipping glass requires a lot more time and care in the packing and additional cost (and risk). It also adds another dimension of confusion to my whole accounting process. The good news is that these pieces are created in sizes that can be matted inexpensively, and fit easily into standard-size frames  found readily at local frame shops and even craft stores.

3. Donations: I started these auctions out with 100% of the proceeds going to the charity. However, since these auctions are an ongoing 6 month project, I really do have to consider the processing costs. Paypal, my online money transfer agent, assesses processing fees, reducing the total amount that I collect. If I can designate 95% of the proceeds to the charity, this will defray my costs for processing and any listing fees (for eBay listings and/or extra features).

More thoughts on eBay: I've been reading more on the eBay/Missionfish deal and can see that there might be some benefits to listing there. I've learned that in addition to your auction being listed on eBay's site and in the GivingWorks category, it is also listed on Missionfish. There are claims of better visibility and higher returns for GivingWorks listings over regular listings. Without having listed there I don't know how accurate that is.

The main hesitation I've been having are the Missionfish fees. At first blush, 15-20% of the donation seems like a painfully large processing fee. Will it really save that much time over ArtByUs in the processes of listing, fulfillment, documentation and donation? Will the venues provided through eBay GivingWorks increase the number of bids? If those two things were true, it might very well be worth a try.

Online charity art auctions- the learning curve Part I

The online charity art auctions I'm holding for the Central VA Foodbank have thus far been both satisfying and challenging for me. Satisfying because I am connecting with some wonderful people who have been willing to bid on and purchase my paintings for a good cause, and challenging because of the learning curve I've experienced with holding these auctions in the online environment. Several people have asked me about the ArtByUsauction environment I have been using. ArtByUs is relatively new compared to eBay, and it only auctions artwork and handmade items offered by artists, galleries and dealers. I started out with ArtByUs for several reasons.

 First, it is currently free for artists to list there. While I believe their intent is to eventually charge for this service, this makes a huge difference to me, especially considering that I am allocating all of the proceeds of the winning bid to charity. I will note here that eBay will refund your listing and final value fees through their GivingWorks program, according to the amount you donate to a charity, but only if the item sells. And in order for eBay to list your auction as a charity, they require you to work through an organization called MissionFish. The charity is also required to be registered with Missionfish, so if your desired charity is not on their list (as mine, initially,  was not) it is up to the fundraiser to ask the charity to go through the registration process. While eBay does refund some or all of the listing and final value fees, Missionfish takes as much as 20% of the final value of the donationfor it's intermediary services. On the other hand, going through may offer some people peace of mind, as I have read reports of past fraudulent charity listings that took place on eBay outside of their Givingworks program.

There are pros and cons to using both ArtByUs and eBay for the charity auctions. While ArtByUs is free, it does not get the traffic that eBay does--not by a long-shot. So, at least in my case, I am the one who has been driving traffic to my auctions. It's been reported to me by at least one bidder that the registration process is also a little slow and can be a bit confusing, and the interface is a bit clunky. ArtByUs doesn't have as many bells and whistles as eBay, and, since eBay is owned by the same company that owns PayPal, Paypal is fully integrated into the eBay site. With ArtByUs, everything is pretty much a manual operation for me in regards to collecting the winning bid via Paypal and donating to the charity, so it has been more of a time consuming process than I anticipated.

Having said that, the support staff with ArtByUs is responsive to any questions or issues. They currently offer free basic listings, and unlike eBay which seems to attract a lot of bargain hunters in search of any number of products, ArtByUs lists only artwork.  And while eBay does get a whole lot more traffic, my feeling is that this does not necessarily mean that my listing will be discovered. I do not have much experience with eBay thus far, but from what I have heard, competition is fierce and a lot of people experience the needle in the haystack syndrome unless they spend a lot more money with additional listing features. So it is likely if and when I list over there, any bidding would be as a result of my own contacts there as well.

For these reasons I've started out with ArtByUs. It's likely that at some point I will list over at eBay, and if I do, it will be interesting to see how the experience will compare to ArtByUs, and if the auction bids on eBay will be substantial enough to offset the other associated fees.  

There were a few other things I discovered only after I started the project that I had not really thought through when I first conceived of it. I'll share a bit more about that in my next post. Meanwhile, if you've had bidding or auction experience with Ebay or ArtByUs, I'd welcome you to leave your comments.

Art for Food auction for the CVFB- Italian landscape painting of Lake Como

The online art auctions for the Central VA Foodbank are doing great. So far the auction sales have made donations that will provide over 800 meals! A note of my sincerest thanks to the winning bidders, and everyone who has taken the time to bid. I plan to keep the project going for the next 6 months, so I hope you will too! Today I've posted another "Art for Food" auction. This sweet original watercolor/pen and ink painting on paper is of Italy's beautiful lake Como. The vantage point is looking over the terra cotta rooftops from a lovely terrace lined with flowerpots:

Italian landscpe painting lake como italy "Patio View, Varenna"

sold Watercolor/Pen & Ink on Paper, 7x9" (Image size 4x6") Visit the auction and bid! This auction has ended, but click here to see the current auctions.

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Art auction to benefit the Central Virginia Foodbank

As a way to kick off 2008, I've decided to create auctions for some of my paintings in hopes of raising funds for the CVA Foodbank.  The idea for the auctions was inspired by a couple of things that grabbed my attention almost simultaneously over the holidays. The first was a CNN broadcast I stumbled on while flipping around on the television one late sleepless night. It was a special called "Living Heroes".  I tuned in to see a gentleman named Steve Peifer accepting an award for the incredibly inspiring, selfless work he has done in Kenya, feeding the children in school. Click here to watch the inspiring video.

About a day or two after I saw this program, I noticed Philip Rucker's article in the Washington Post online edition entitled, "Cupboards Are Bare at Food Banks." My first thought was, "Huh? With all of our wealth and resources we are having trouble supplying our country's own food banks?" The article actually focused on the D.C. Capital Area Food Bank needs, but it mentions that many of the nation's food banks are experiencing similar shortages. You can read more about it in the article,  but the bottom line is that the food banks do not have the supplies they once did, and they need people to step up and help.

I got to wondering what was going on in my own local Central Virginia Foodbank. According to the CVA Foodbank's website, in the Metro Richmond area:

"...the poverty rate is more than twice the Virginia average. In fact, in the City of Richmond it’s 38% and in Petersburg it's 40%, compared to the state average of 17%.. That means right here in our own backyard there are tens of thousands of children who go to bed hungry every day. "

As a citizen of Richmond, I'd have to live under a rock not to know of the poverty concerns we have in the city. But even so, these numbers are startling. And while the pragmatist in me realizes that there will always be inequalities in the world, the idealist wonders,  "Why, given the earth's resources, should there ever be a reason for anyone to go hungry?"

 I've always believed in the adage, "think globally, act locally." And while curbing world hunger seems like an overwhelming task, we all can make a huge difference in our local communities by simple acts of time, food or cash donations. Surprisingly, it doesn't take that much to make a difference. In fact, according to the CVA Foodbank's website, $25 will provide as many as 200 meals.

So to bring all of this back around to the subject of art, (after all, this is an art blog,) I thought it might be nice to see if I could raise some funds for the CVA Foodbank by offering some of my vignettes in auction format.   I have been offering the little watercolor vignette paintings in my gallery and on my website for a little while now, and I've gotten some really nice feedback from collectors who enjoy them. And while I had already set prices for these works at truly introductory rates, for the next 6 months opening bids for these auctioned paintings will be set at the mega-bargain price of 200 meals, or $25 per item. 100% of the proceeds for the sale of these vignettes will be donated to the Central Virginia Foodbank.

It's my hope that each auction will get bids and that far surpass the opening bid. But even if I get just opening amount, it will generate a donation that can provide 200 meals. The CVA Foodbank is already doing some wonderful things for the folks in our area, not the least of which is providing comfort and hope for hungry kids. And, as evidenced in the above mentioned video, relieving hunger clears a pathway to learning, and education can help to provide way out of poverty.

Winning bidders get the artwork, maybe even at a mega bargain price, plus the satisfaction of knowing that their purchase is being donated to help one community's underprivileged children, elderly and families in serious need. Of course, you don't need to bid on artwork to make a difference in your own community. I encourage everyone who is able to get in touch with their own community's food bank and consider offering time, food, or cash. My auctions  are just my own small (and hopefully fun) way of trying to raise some funds and a bit of awareness.

Well, thanks for sticking with me for this rather long explanation! Without further ado, I present my first Central Virginia Foodbank ("CVFB") auction for one of my recent watercolors:

coastal harbor watercolor by Jennifer Young

“Open for Business” Original Signed Watercolor & Ink on paper (SOLD) ©Jennifer Young

Lake Como, Italy painting 6x6" mini

When we were last visiting Lake Como Italy, we splurged on a private boat tour around the lake. It definitely was a splurge for us, but worthwhile because we took different routes than you'd normally take on the larger lake transports (vaporetti). This little painting was done from reference shots taken as we were approaching a precipice near the charming village of Varenna:

Lake como landscape painting by Jennifer Young

"Varenna Vista" Oil on Canvas, 6x6" (SOLD) ©Jennifer Young

The private boat also stopped in intervals so that we could take pictures without worry of camera blur. If only I could find a way to hire a boat to use for an extended period at the lake as a floating studio, the way Claude Monet did  with his studio boat on the Seine. A girl can dream.