WIP- Pasture at dusk, southern France (continued)
/The progression continues. Yesterday I developed the painting further, focusing on the foreground cows and building.

Why is it my four-legged friends always start out looking like pigs? Maybe I should attempt to paint pigs and see if they look like cows or dogs? Any way, I think I finally got the hang of it and produced some semblance of "cowness".

I'm facing a couple of challenges right now because I'm in between homes and my computer is in a different location from my easel, so timely blogging is a bit impossible. These photos were taken inside earlier in the evening so they are looking a little dark and grainy on my computer. I continued to work on the sky and surrounding trees, pulling it all together. Just a finishing touch or two at the studio today and I'm done, so if I can get a good shot of it outdoors, I should be able to post a final tonight or tomorrow a.m. when I'm back at home.