Springtime at the Hill- en plein air
/You might be thinking, "That's not much of a hill". But the "Hill" I'm referring to in this painting is the A.P. Hill monument on Hermitage Road in Richmond's North Side neighborhood.

"Springtime at the Hill Monument" 8x10", Oil on Canvas (SOLD) ©Jennifer Young
Painted on location yesterday afternoon, I started this at about 2 PM under warm, sunny skies. But it sure got chilly pretty quickly once the clouds started rolling in.
I pass by this gentleman every day as I drive to and from home, but I think he's at his most charming in the springtime as he gazes down at the row of flowering trees.
I didn't realize this but according to Wikipedia:
"This monument is the only one of its type in Richmond under which the subject individual is actually interred."